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  • The data describes future land use projections at 1 km^2 resolution developed by CRAFTY-GB. For each of six Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP-RCP) scenarios, gridded land use maps for Great Britain are provided, each as a stacked raster file with seven bands representing land use at each decadal timestep, from 2020 to 2080. CRAFTY-GB is a new agent-based model of the British land system operating at a 1 km^2 resolution and based on a broad range of available land system data . The model is based on linked UK-RCP climate scenarios and UK-SSPs socio-economic pathway (SSP) scenarios, based on global SSPs developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It extrapolates the impact of these on the British Land system at decadal timesteps from 2020-2080. Full details about this dataset can be found at